

The corner squares on a tallit were originally intended to reinforce the garment and keep the tzitzit strings from tearing it, so on most commercial tallitot they are on the back. But they have increasingly become another design element to enhance the theme such as “seasons of the year” or “matriarch names.”

All of the designs shown here will give you some ideas. Simply changing the fabric and thread colors can make the same design completely different. I may be able to duplicate a set, provided I have more of the same silk available. Under “Resources” above, there is a link to “design collections,” which shows many of the most popular design categories. The “new designs” link is to recently digitized files.

Designs are machine embroidered onto silk, wool or cotton velveteen. I do not use linen since there is the possibility that the tallit is made of wool or a wool blend.  Combining wool with linen (or any combination of plant & animal fibers) is shatnez and is strictly prohibited by Jewish law. I use high-sheen polyester or rayon thread so that embroidered items can be safely dry cleaned. After the designs are stitched, the corners are cut to size, hemmed and pressed. A lightweight fusible backing is then ironed onto the back of the corner.

I keep many colors of silk in stock as well as a huge thread inventory; however, if you need something custom, I’ll do my best to accommodate you. You may also send your fabric to me; I only work with all natural fabrics as they yield the best results, but I will determine usability once I inspect it. I do not embroider on polyester since it puckers and doesn’t make a nice finished product.

I have hundreds of designs in many categories and quite a few in the Judaica category, but if you are looking for something in particular, most likely I can find it for you. Depending on the price, I often purchase designs that are available on line and they become part of my inventory. I can also digitize from an image to make it into a stitchable design. There is an additional fee for digitizing depending on the size and complexity. 

If you are interested in having an atarah and/or set of corners custom embroidered, please fill out the Embroidery Order Form and I will get back in touch with you as soon as I can.

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