
atarahAtarah is the Hebrew word for “crown.” Price is based on set-up time, stitch count and length of blessing; longer blessings require that the fabric be hooped/re-aligned multiple times which increases the cost. An atarah of average length in one of the basic typestyles shown is $70. This includes computer setup, fabric and hemming/finishing. I can provide an accurate quote if the text and design is sent to me. In the event you do not know how to write out your selection, you can provide a Bible reference; i.e., Psalm 21:5.  There is also a Hebrew keyboard available at Lexilogos.

All of the samples below were made for other customers but showcase a variety of silk/thread colors and typestyles. Many have embroidered designs at the ends which coordinate with the tallit theme. If I have more of the same silk available, I may be able to duplicate a particular piece. There are a few items on the available now page; more will be added in the near future.

If you are interested in having an atarah and/or a set of corners custom embroidered, please fill out the embroidery order form and I will get back in touch with you as soon as I can.

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